Ein Rückblick mit einer Auswahl von Gruppen- und Einzelausstellungen der letzten Jahre, bei denen ich meine Kunst zeigen konnte.
Urban Street Art Preview
Ultra kurz und besonders knackig präsentiert SHORT CUT in der Galerie des Kölner Kulturbunkers exklusiv neue Arbeiten von fünf etablierten Protagonisten der nationalen Urban Art Szene für 24 Stunden.
seiLeise (Köln) in Kooperation mit Leo-Leander Namislow (Essen), Mittenimwald (Hamburg), Philip Wallisfurth (Berlin) und Cuts and Pieces (Köln) laden exklusiv zu einem zeitlich sehr begrenzten
Blick auf ihre aktuelle Arbeit ein.
In den versteckten Galerieräumen das Kulturbunker Köln Mülheim werden bisher weitgehend ungesehene Exponate, neu erarbeitete Techniken und Motive exklusiv für einen Tag ausgestellt.
SHORT CUT bietet einen Blick auf vier etablierte Künstler der nationalen Urban Art Szene, die in ihrer differenzierten Arbeit für sich einzigartig und gemeinsam ein sehr breites Spektrum an Urban
Art Ästhetik im Rahmen der Ausstellung SHORT CUT präsentieren werden.
Öffentliche Vernissage: Sa. 28.9. 19.00-ca. 22.00 Uhr
Öffentlicher Ausstellungstag: 29.9. 12.00−19.00 Uhr
Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim
Berliner Straße 20
51063 Köln
Line Up:
seiLeise (Köln) seileise.com
Leo-Lender Namislow (Essen) leo-namislow.com
Mittenimwald (Hamburg) mittenimwald.de
Cuts and Pieces (Köln) cutsandpieces.de
Philip Wallisfurth (Berlin) wallisfurth.com
Urban Street Art Show
Von Freitag, 06.09.24 bis Sonntag 15.09.24 präsentieren 20 nationale Künstler*Innen urbane Kunst in unterschiedlichen Stilrichtungen und Facetten.
Begleitend zur Ausstellung bietet ein Kunst Shop den Besuchern preiswerte Kunst direkt zum Mitnehmen. Der Love Your Local Store dient hierbei als passender Ausstellungsort für Kultur und
Begegnung – mitten in der Bonner Altstadt.
Adultremix, Andrea Wycisk, B4K3R, Cinderella Bones, Cuts and Pieces, Dan Driftwood, Dropix, Hellfire, Heroart, Kalaa Baar, Metraeda, Mittenimwald, Neon Ones, Planet Selfie, R.F.Art, SeiLeise,
Sweetsnini, VctrPlnt, XXXhibition
Freitag, 06.09.24: Vernissage ab 18h
Samstag, 07.09.24: 12:00–19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, 08.09.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Montag, 09.09.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Dienstag, 10.09.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Mittwoch, 11.09.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Donnerstag, 12.09.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Freitag, 13.09.24.: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Samstag, 14.09.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, 15.09.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Love Your Local Store
Breite Strasse 28
53111 Bonn
Street Art * Urban Art * Graffiti
Von Graffiti über Stencilarbeiten, Malerei, Keramik und Beton bis hin zu Arbeiten auf Holz zeigen wir die Bandbreite, die sich hinter dem Begriff Urban Art verbirgt.
Lineup Graffiti:
@3amomoe @alexandergnida @hoker_one @kai_semor @m.0.5.k @random_exp @zoologne
Lineup Street Art:
@adultremix @anjawuelfing @cappello_davide @cinderellabones @cuts.and.pieces @ddriftwood @dropix @eliot_thesuper @killer2go @likeatim @neon.ones @planet_selfie @strassenmaid @sweetsnini
Lineup UrbanShit Gallery:
@urbanshitgallery @davethechimp @einsa_ce @frittenfreddie__ @golifgolif @illstencil @kaepten_nobbi @marshal.arts_streetart
Fr. 28.06.24 I Vernissage ab 19 Uhr
Sa. 29.06.24 I 12:00 - 20:00
So. 30.06.24 I 12:00 - 18:00
@a.street48 Art PopUp Cologne
Aachener Straße 48, 50674 Köln
Street Art * Urban Art * Pop Art
Mystreetartgallery.com präsentiert vom 07. bis 29. Juni 2024 mit Unterstützung der Stadt Bochum 10 nationale und internationale Künstler*Innen die ihre urbane Kunst in unterschiedlichen
Stilrichtungen und Facetten in der Sold Out Gallery in Bochum zeigen.
Cuts and Pieces * Planet Selfie * Dropix * HeroArt * Only Abrahams * Holger Zimmermann * Lee Tokeley * Erika Wengenroth * Tom Lehner * Nmarthalie
FR 07.06.24: Vernissage ab 18.00
SA 29.06.24: Finissage ab 13.00
DI bis FR: 14.00-19.00
SA: 11.30-16.00
Sold Out Gallery
Königsallee 16
44789 Bochum
Street Art * Urban Art * Graffiti
Aus ihrem ursprünglichen Selbstverständnis heraus versteht sich die Streetart als Kunstform, die den urbanen Raum nicht nur bespielt, sondern ihn sich kunstpraktisch aneignet und piktural
kommentiert. Streetart Künstler*innen nutzen die Strasse als Plattform, um die klassische Präsentation von etablierter Kunst neu zu definieren und ihr ein Pendant entgegen zu setzen.
In den Galerieräumen des Kulturbunker in Köln-Mülheim, die als zentraler Treffpunkt und Anlaufstellen dienen, zeigt Strassengold eine variantenreiche Ausstellung mit nationalen Künstler*innen und
ihren Kunstwerken die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen aufgreifen.
Ein nicht unwesentlicher Teil des Kunstprojekts Strassengold findet auf der Strasse statt und bietet allen Streetart-affinen Besucher*innen über eine Bildersuche im öffentlichen Raum die
Möglichkeit Streetart einmal ganz anders zu entdecken. Die Streetart Bildersuche hilft, unter Anleitung einer digitalen und offenen Bilder-Strassenkarte, den Blick für Kunst im öffentlichen Raum
zu schärfen. Link zur Offenen Bilderkarte...
Begleitend lädt der Guide Michael Johne von Cologne Streetart Tours zu geführten Streetart Touren durch den Kölner Stadtteil Mülheim ein und begibt sich gemeinsam mit euch auf eine spannende
Bildersuche. Zur Streetart Tour Anmeldung...
Abgerundet wird die Strassengold 2024 mit einem begehbaren Streetart Spot im Showroom des Kölner Streetart Künstlers SeiLeise in Köln-Mülheim. Der Showroom wird von den teilnehmenden
Künstler*innen freestyle, wild und kunterbunt gestaltet.
Lineup: @seileise @cuts.and.pieces @bilmo_de_bachata @planet_selfie @metraeda @dropix @hellfire_yay @nmarthalie @einsa_ce @peter_mueck @fuxundschalter @neon.ones @feierabendfarbe @oliganzprivat
@olibonofficial @o0_markant_0o @bierdeckelstreetart @papelapab @_Chris_411 @___ghostcat____ @leo.namislow @__maidincologne__ @meow.cologne @meow.cologne @mutabel @lemisan @halsmole @olgarobotart
@jada_streetart @brainfart_comics @jaerv_stencil @r.f.art @8arms2hug @lt66art @markushelido @markushelido @fete.fatale @only_abrahams @erikawengenrothart @patricktetrapack @streetvulven
Ausstellung im Kulturbunker
Samstag 20.04.24: Pre-Opening zur Mülheimer Nacht ab 19:00 Uhr
Montag 22.04.24 von 14:00 – 19:00
Freitag 26.04.24 von 19:00 – 22:00
Samstag 27.04.24 von 12:00 – 19:00
Sonntag 28.04.24 von 12:00 – 19:00
Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim
Berliner Str. 20
51063 Köln
Streetart Spot im SeiLeise Showroom
SA 20.04.24: Pre-Opening zur Mülheimer Nacht ab 19:00 Uhr
Montag 22.04.24 von 14:00 – 19:00
Freitag 26.04.24 von 19:00 – 22:00
Samstag 27.04.24 von 12:00 – 19:00
Sonntag 28.04.24 von 12:00 – 19:00
SeiLeise Showroom
Wallstrasse 125
51063 Köln
Ausstellung im Kulturbunker
Streetart Spot im SeiLeise Showroom
Streetart * Urban Art
Von Freitag, 16.02.24 bis zum Sonntag 25.02.24 präsentieren 18 nationale und internationale KünstlerInnen urbane Kunst in ihren unterschiedlichen Facetten.
Die Street Legacy Vol.2 Ausstellung präsentiert eine abwechslungsreiche Werkschau mit Arbeiten von beliebten Urban Streetart KünstlerInnen und ist darüber hinaus eine Bestandsaufnahme aktueller
Streetart und urbaner Kunst in der Region Köln/Bonn.
Begleitend zur Ausstellung bietet ein Kunstshop den Besuchern preiswerte Kunst direkt zum Mitnehmen. Der Love Your Local Store dient hierbei als passender Ausstellungsort für Kultur und Begegnung
– mitten in der Bonner Altstadt.
Adultremix, SeiLeise, Cuts and Pieces,
Planet Selfie, Dropix, Jens Mohr,
HeroArt, Hellfire, Meow, Sweetsnini, Sasa, Neon.Ones, Arnskii, Kalaa Baar und mystreetartgallery mit Tinyart, Only Abrahams, Holger Zimmermann , LT66Art.
Freitag, 16.02.24: Vernissage ab 18h
Samstag, 17.02.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, 18.02.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Montag, 19.02.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Dienstag, 20.02.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Mittwoch, 21.02.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Donnerstag, 22.02.24: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Freitag, 23.02.24.: 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Samstag, 24.02.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Sonntag, 25.02.24: 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Love Your Local Store
Breite Strasse 28
53111 Bonn
Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/oX965q7qZnvB4iPF6
Popart * Streetart * Urban Art
24.November 2023 bis 19.Januar 2024
Vernissage: Freitag, 24.November 2023. Von 19.00 bis 21.00 Uhr.
Öffnungszeiten: Mittwoch bis Freitag von 15.00 bis 18.00 Uhr.
Gerne auch nach Vereinbarung.
Finissage: Freitag, 19. Januar 2024. Von 19.00 bis 21.00 Uhr
Kunstkabinett Stefan Moll
Galerie für aktuelle Kunst
Friesdorfer Straße 100
53173 Bonn
Tel: 0170 / 599 56 12
"Face The New Pop" lautet der auffordernde Titel der Einzelausstellung von Cuts and Pieces im Kunstkabinett Stefan Moll und beschreibt schon immanent einen wesentlichen Fokus, den die Werke der Ausstellung setzen werden.
Denn haben sich die Werke des Kölner Künstlers bisher schon meist in der changierenden Schnittstelle von Street- und Pop-Art bewegt, beweist Cuts and Pieces mit den aktuellen Werken eine neuartige Hinwendung zu diesen beiden Genren der Kunst, die eine frische und äußerst dynamische Ästhetik visualisiert.
Dabei spielt sowohl eine noch deutlichere Hinwendung zum Thema Comic und Collage eine weit gewichtigere Rolle, als auch die Freude am Experiment sowie das beständige, signifikante und vor allem
gesprühte Bekenntnis zur Kunst der Straße.
Im Verbund bilden die Werke von Cuts and Pieces eine Ausstellung, welche die lustvolle Freude am Agieren auf der Straße und am freien Spiel mit Gattungen, Sujets und Erwartungen auf
innerhäusliche Bildträger zu bannen und diese lebhaft und eindrucksvoll vor Augen zu führen vermag.
QUICK AND DIRTY - Urban Streetart and Graffiti Show
Streetart * Graffiti * Pop Art
Friday, 11.08.23 until Sunday, 13.08.23
Fri. 11.08.23: Vernissage starting at 19:00
Sat. 12.08.23: 12:00 - 20:00
Sun. 13.08.23: 12:00 - 18:00
Urban art unites different styles and expressions, which are presented in the context of our exhibition by 30 artists. From graffiti to stencil works, tape art, ceramics and concrete to works on
wood and metal, we show the range that is hidden behind the term street art.
Exhibition lineup:
@3.amomo @adultremix @cabezota_embroid_art @cinderellabones @cuts.and.pieces @cappello_davide @ddriftwood @dropix @einsa_ce @elforsto @eliot_thesuper @gosp_ds @killer2go @likeatim @neon.ones
@planet_selfie @stilart.van.hell @strassenmaid @sweetsnini @vctrplnt @xxxhibition @bona_berlin @davethechimp @frittenfreddie__ @illstencil @kaepten_nobbi @marshal.arts_streetart
@mittenimwald_artist @neal_hamburg @seileise @smallvandalism
Location: Arty Farty Gallery, Vogelsangerstr. 197, 50825 Köln
The sparrows have been whistling it from the rooftops of Düsseldorf for some time now: The Hangover Gallery is bidding farewell to Stresemannstrasse and closing its doors on 1 March 2023.
But before the shop is cleaned and handed over to new owners, ambitious protagonists of the Rhineland's street and urban art scene will be celebrating the popular Hangover Gallery with a final
and dignified farewell party from 24 to 26 February 2023, showing urban and colourful cabinet pieces on the walls of the Hangover Gallery.
And don't forget ... the last one to turn off the lights!!!
24.02.23: Vernissage 18:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
25.02.23: 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
26.02:23: 15:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
Location: Hangover Gallery, Stresemannstraße 41, 40210 Düsseldorf
QUICK AND DIRTY - Urban Streetart and Graffiti Show
Streetart * Graffiti * Pop Art
Friday, 04.11.22 until Sunday, 06.11.22
Fri. 04.11.22: Vernissage starting at 19:00
Sat. 05.11.22: 12:00 - 19:00
Sun. 06.11.22: 12:00 - 18:00
Urban art unites different styles and expressions, which are presented in the context of our exhibition by 30 artists. From graffiti to stencil works, tape art, ceramics and concrete to works on
wood and metal, we show the range that is hidden behind the term street art.
Exhibition lineup:
3.amomo, Adultremix, Bona Berlin, Christian Boehmer, Cinderellabones, Citerart, Cuts and Pieces, Davide Cappello, Dropix, Fuxundschalter, Greentaxonomy, Hellfire, Heroart, Killer2go, Lescot
Nakamichi, les.enfants.terribles, Markus_o_Mod, Meow, Neon.Ones, pdot, Philip Wallisfurth, Planet Selfie, Random exp, Seileise, Strassenmaid, Sweetsnini, Tom71, XXXhibition
Location: Halle 66, Aachener Str. 66, 50674 Köln
Urban Streetart and Graffiti Show
On Saturday, 15.10.22 from 6pm-2pm, art, beats & beer among friends awaits you at Düsseldorf's Hangover Gallery.
On display will be artworks created in the last 2 years as part of the Jetzt & Immer Festival. Pasteup work by Cuts and Pieces, Planet
Selfie and Adultremix.
The profit will be donated to the project Viva con Agua.
Viva con Agua pursues the vision that all people have access to clean drinking water, hygiene facilities and basic sanitary services. 771 million people worldwide do not have secure access to
clean drinking water. Of these, around 489 million people even lack a basic supply of drinking water.
Hangover Gallery
Stresemannstraße 41
40210 Düsseldorf
Urban Art Shop
On display is a potpourri of pop and primarily street and urban art. Domestic representatives of the genres will receive just as much attention as international ones. The primary focus is on the
presentation of originals and editions of:
Bananensprayer Thomas Baumgärtel, Banksy, Cuts and Pieces, Lutz Dedermann, Dface, Dropix, Daniel Edvon, Eelus, Faile, Shepard Fairey, Alexander Gnida, Keith Harin, Imbue, Allen Jones, Kingpin,
Michael "Moe" Moersch, Kai "Semor" Niederhausen, Oben Okay, Richard Phillips, Mel Ramos, Markus "El Feder" Schümmelfeder, Pure Evil, seiLeise, Shuby, Andy Warhol
Doors open: Friday and Saturday, 13:00 until 18:00
Körnerstraße 29
50823 Köln
CONTAIN ART - Streetart Group Show
Streetart * Graffiti * Pop Art
Friday, 17.06.22 until Sunday, 19.06.22
An exhibition with graffiti on and streetart in 2 shipping containers.
Friday, 24.06.22 until Sunday, 03.07.2022
Graffiti Performance with @3.amomo and @cyos_one.
24-26 June, 10am-4pm.
Exhibition lineup:
@cuts.and.pieces @markushelido @cyos_one @planet_selfie @dropix @_nikosart @crowns_for_street @cyos_one @pixmon_yay @bilmo_de_bachata @hellfire_yay @cinderellabones @_ghostcat_ @patricktetrapack
@bierdeckelstreetart @fuxundschalter @vctrplnt @txbx_art @__maidincologne__ @neon.ones
@3.amomo @heikes_gallery
Location: Nuns' Square at PAN Kunstforum Niederrhein e.V.,
and at the City Plate close to the Rhine.
46446 Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
OUTSIDE IN - Streetart Group Show
Streetart * Graffiti * Popup Shop
Friday, 17.06.22 until Sunday, 19.06.22
Vernissage, 17.6.22 starting 19:00
Saturday, 18.6.22 from 12:00 to 18:00
Sunday, 19.6.22 from 12:00 to 18:00
On display will be a mix of well-known and active artists from the fields of graffiti, stencil, pasteups as well as tape art and mixed media.
Lineup: @cuts.and.pieces @aniklein @amukajvivu @artbyopus @benjamin_vannahme_art @bierdeckelstreetart @brennpunktjam @8arms2hug @Emmygunde_spatz @frank_brenner75 @seileise @fuxundschalter @greentaxonomy @hellfire_yay @kater_etk @ken_plotbot @labelizer @luzilla_licht @_maidincologne_ @markus_o_mod @mister_oreo39_ @mutabel @o0_markant_0o @onuschka @pixmon_yay @peto_aeromigos @pout_spencer @XXXhibition
Location: Künstlerbunker Leverkusen Opladen
Karlstraße 9, 51379 Leverkusen
PAN kunstforum Niederrhein presents:
8 ROOMS - Living Room Exhibition
Streetart | Paper Art | Digital Art | Pop Art | Painting | Installation | Sculpture
Artists: Cuts and Pieces, Gosia Richter, Jo Pellenz, Matthias Hloucha, Flaca, Krisstine Bento Monteiro, Suat Sensoy, Agi Gosse
Exibition: May 12 - May 22, 2022
Regular opening hours
11.00 to 16.00
Vernissage: Saturday, May 14, 2022
17.00 to 21.00
incl. live performance
Finissage: Sunday, May 22, 2022
13.00 until open end
Matinee incl. DJ performance
Location: PAN Kunstforum Niederrhein e.V.
Agnetenstraße 2
46446 Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
#streetartgermany #streetart #urbanart #graffiti #art #streetarteverywhere #wallart #streetartphotography #graffitiart #germany #köln #urban #sticker #streetartworldwide #streetartcologne #graffitigermany #hamburgstreetart #germanystreetart #emmerich #streetartcologne #streetartist #mural #cutsandpieces #pasteup
FCK WAR - Charity Exhibition
Streetart * Graffiti * Popup Shop
Saturday, 19.03.22 until Sunday, 20.03.22
Under the title FCK WAR, a group of local street artists and friends spontaneously gathered in the seiLeise showroom in Cologne-Mülheim for a group exhibition in aid of Blau-Gelbes Kreuz
The Blau-Gelbes Kreuz e.V. is a state-recognised, non-profit association based in Cologne, which has already been providing aid to the victims of war, especially children, internally displaced
persons, injured and other severely needy people from the war-affected regions since 2014.
In keeping with the occasion, no music was played and no drinks were offered.
@cuts.and.pieces @adultremix @seileise @planet_selfie @fuxundschalter @vctrplnt @dropix @_nikosart @marambolage @markushelido @hellfire_yay@cutwork_orange @bilmo_de_bachata @meow.cologne
@sweetsnini @bierdeckelstreetart @frank_brenner75 @strassenmaid @r.f.art @therealbambistreetartist @joiny_streetart @8arms2hug @busta_170er @lybra_art @markus_o_mod @onuschka
We are grateful and happy that we were able to collect a donation of EUR 10,185 together with you. Thank you for that!
The Blau-Gelbes Kreuz e.V. will use our donation to put together about 100 emergency medicine kits. There are about 140 different medicines and medical technology items in an emergency kit. With
the contents of an emergency kit, about 95% of the war injuries of the civilian population can be treated. The kits reach Ukrainian partner hospitals in Kyiv and Kharkiv via Poland or
#fckwar #artagainstwar #ukraine #streetartgermany #streetart #urbanart #graffiti #art #streetarteverywhere #wallart #streetartphotography #graffitiart #germany #köln #urban #sticker
#StandWithUkraine #streetartworldwide #streetartcologne #graffitigermany #hamburgstreetart #germanystreetart #streetartcologne #streetartist #mural #cutsandpieces #pasteup #cologne
STREET LEGACY - Streetart going Underground
Streetart * Graffiti * Popup Shop
Friday, 03.12.21 until Sunday, 12.12.21
After a long break due to Corona, the protagonists of the Cologne street art scene are finally coming together again for a group exhibition. Under the name "STREET LEGACY...going underground",
Kunstnavigation and Cuts and Pieces present a show of works by the city's most active street artists and take stock of current street art and urban art in Cologne. The Odrumpark serves as a
special exhibition venue for culture and encounters - in the middle of the city.
Lineup: Adultremix + SeiLeise + Cuts and Pieces + Planet Selfie + Fuxundschalter + VctrPlnt + Dropix + Cyos One + Nikosart + Maid in Cologne + Hero Art + XXXhibition + Hellfire + Cutwork Orange + zirO.stencil + B!lmo + Meow + Ghostcat + Herr Eifel + Sweets Nini + Tinkerstrumpf + Bierdeckelstreetart + Erika Wengenroth + Neon.Ones + Streetartgallery + Cinderellabones
Location: Odrumpark, odrumpark.de
Gladbacher Str. 49, 50672 Köln
Friday, 03.12.21: Vernissage starts 18.00 Uhr
Saturday, 04.12.21: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Sunday, 05.12.21: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Thursday, 09.12.21: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Friday, 10.12.21: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Saturday, 11.12.21: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Sunday, 12.12.21: 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
#streetart #popart #graffiti #art #urbanart #graffitiart #streetphotography #street #mural #streetarteverywhere #photography #arteurbano #streetartgermany #germany
#stencil #cologne #köln #popart #contemporaryart #artgallery #modernart #design #artist #artwork #painting #cutsandpieces
Cuts and Pieces & Kunstnavigation presents:
Streetart * Graffiti * Popup Shop
Wednesday, 01.09.21 until Sunday, 05.09.21
Live Performance by Cuts and Pieces, Adultremix, Planet Selfie and xxxhibition on 02.09.21 and on 03.09.21 starting at 16:00 Uhr
Location: @Westspitze, Haus am Maarweg
Am Alten Güterbahnhof, Köln-Ehrenfeld
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces, Planet Selfie, Adultremix, Heroart, Hellfire, VCTRPLNT, xxxhibition, Meow, Maid in Cologne, TxBx, Greentaxonomy, Cinderell Bones, Bierdeckelstreetart, Ghostcat, Bilmo de
Bachata, Nikosart, Neon.Ones, Fuxundschalter
#streetart #popart #graffiti #art #urbanart #graffitiart #streetphotography #street #mural #streetarteverywhere #photography #arteurbano #streetartgermany #germany
#stencil #cologne #köln #popart #contemporaryart #artgallery #modernart #design #artist #artwork #painting #cutsandpieces
This is f#!&ing awesome...Imagine there is art and no one can go. If people don't currently come to the exhibitions, we simply bring the art to you.
Corona changed everything - also at our place: @cuts.and.pieces @dropix, @1zwo3_streetart, @adultremix, @sweetsnini, @seileise, @streetart.bonn and many more ... didn't not only show their works
on the street, but also in the @fabrik45bonn (Fabrik45) from 28 March.
The special thing: The exhibition never opened its doors. The exhibiting artists presented their works exclusively online. Afterwards, all works were for sale in an online shop for 7 days.
And this is how it went: First tour of Fabrik45 LIVE on Sunday 28 March at 11:00 on instagram.com/streetart.bonn. The 2nd tour starts at 16:00 on instagram.com/fabrik45bonn.
Can't get enough of it? Or have you missed the programme? No problem. You can catch up at any time on the channels mentioned above.
Do you have questions about the concept and/or the artists? You can get help at hallo@streetart-bonn.de
#streetartgermany #streetart #urbanart #graffiti #art #streetarteverywhere #wallart #streetartphotography #graffitiart #street #germany #streetartistry #streetartberlin #urban #sticker #köln #bonn #streetartworldwide #arteurbano #germanystreetart #streetartcologne #streetartist #streetartbonn #bonn #pasteup #cologne #fabrik45bonn #exhibition #groupshow #cutsandpieces
On the weekend of 3 June, the doors opened for two days for a street art group exhibition where people usually shake a leg.
During the shutdown, many new and fresh works were created by the artists that could be marvelled at and admired in the HOPSHOP dance center .
Over the two days, the artists presented works of often sharp social criticism to a total of 400 visitors. In addition to the threat of the surveillance state and rampant police violence, sexism
and the Corona pandemic were the main themes.
In the spirit of sustainability, many artists used used objects as a basis. Cardboard, cupboard doors or wooden boards nailed together were just some of the unusual materials used for the
artworks, which can otherwise be found on many corners in the streets of Cologne.
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces | AdultRMX | Sweetsnini | PlanetSelfie | Herr.Eiffel | Willow | HERO | Greentaxonomy | Maid in Cologne | VCTRPLANT | Cinderellabones | XXXhibition | NikosArt |
Ghostcat | 8arms2hug | Rubinsky Art | Killer2go | Hellfire
#streetart #graffiti #art #urbanart #graffitiart #streetphotography #street #mural #photography #streetarteverywhere #wallart #artist #graff #streetstyle #artwork #painting #streetartist #künstler #streetartphotography #spraypaint #urban #contemporaryart #muralart #arte #photooftheday #sprayart #love #köln #ehrenfeld #graffitiporn #hopshop #exhibition #groupshow #cutsandpieces
With the group show STADTGOLD, the Kulturbunker in Cologne Mühlheim presented a survey of current street art and urban art in Cologne. Away from billboards and the limelight, some of the city's most active street artists presented an exhibition of their work and an artistic review of the past year.
The exhibition did not claim to be exhaustive in its coverage of contemporary street art in public space. Rather, it represented a snapshot in the context of the ever-changing city.
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces // AdultRMX // PlanetSelfie // Ghostcat // seiLeise // Tuk // Joiny // LikeStyler // Hero Art //
xxxhibition // Cinderella Bones // Mesor // ROPE // Sweetsnini // MEOW // Hellothemushroom // Tuk // Herr Eifel // KingPin // Ja!Da! // Bierdeckel Streetart
Vernissage: 15.11.19, 19:00 Uhr
Kulturbunker, Berliner Str. 20, Cologne
Exhibition: 16.11.2019 - 24.11.2019
Open doors: Sa./Sun. 11.00-19.00
Mo./Thurs./Fr. 15.00-19.00
The vernissage BASEMENT JAM feat.
Anatolian lover x Jonesis (Müllem Seaside)
Jost Esser (live Beat Set)
DJ mellowD
Illfish GL
#streetart #graffiti #art #urbanart #graffitiart #streetphotography #street #mural #photography #streetarteverywhere #wallart #artist #graff #streetstyle #artwork #painting #streetartist #künstler #streetartphotography #spraypaint #urban #contemporaryart #muralart #arte #photooftheday #sprayart #love #köln #cologne #mühlheim #graffitiporn #stadtgold #exhibition #groupshow #cutsandpieces
The Sneaker Art Show was organised by the artists of the beloved #nohatefamily and took part on 13.04.2019 in Cologne as part of the ‘Tour Belgique’ at the gallery Kunst&SO.
Artists: Cuts and Pieces | Planet Selfie | AdultRMX | Sit Sticker | Biatschi Graffiti | Zinkete | Orble.Streetart | 8arms2hug | HeroArt | Cinderellabones | Greentaxonomy | Bona Berlin |
Name.Originals | Zastoj | Schkinvader | Opus 5090 | Astroboy | Eok73 | David.Prem.ART | Sweetsnini | Domivonbohni |
Location: Kunst&SO Gallery, Cologne
Cuts and Pieces sneaker design ‘Hells Angel’
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold #streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow #sneaker #chicbelgique
A 12 artists group show in Cologne. One Night only.
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces | Adult RMX | Planet Selfie | VCTRPLNT | Sweetsnini | Meow | Killer2go | Greentaxonomy | Cinderellabones | Bona_Berlin | Maid in Cologne | Philip Schnurr
Freitag I 22.02.19 I ab 19 Uhr
Arnulfstr. 3-5 I 50937 Köln
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold #streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow #quickanddirty
German Streetart Groupshow curated by the amazing Hellothemushroom.
Line up: Cuts and Pieces | Meow | Strassenmaid | Marambolage | XXXhibition | Herr Eifel | Planet Selfie | 8arms2hug
Location: Montys Bar, 149 Brick Lane, E1 6SB London
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold
#streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow
#strassenkunst #londonstreetart #streetartlondon
Out of the streets #5 presented a streetart group show.
Lineup: Cuts and Prices |
8arms2hug | Adultremix | BANone | duesselchen | einsace | Frank Brenner | Greentaxonomy | KILLER | Lill | Maid in Cologne | Markus Hoffmann | Martha Margarete | MEOW | Planet Selfie | Pqus |
R.F.Art | Strassenmaid | Vector Plant
Location: Reinraum, Aderstrasse 30a, 40215 Düsseldorf
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold
#streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow
From 25.08.2017 - 17.09.2017, the street art exhibition "Strassengold" took place in Cologne for the third time.
Over a period of three weeks, "Strassengold" played in the rooms of the Atelierzentrum Ehrenfeld in Cologne's trendy Ehrenfeld district, which is known for its flourishing art and cultural scene. The exhibition showed a varied spectrum of street artists from all over Germany and promoted local and regional newcomers.
Strassengold provided information about street art, its characteristics, its self-image and thus fulfilled an educational mission. At the same time as the exhibition, an elaborate supporting
programme took place with many different events such as workshops, lectures and discussions.
Strassengold foregrounded the youthful, hip, dynamic climate of street art, eschewed overly 'strict' curation and in this way created an unmistakably unique selling point: It is 'real', authentic
and grows out of the street itself - as it was created by artists.
Lineup: xxxhibition | Cuts and Pieces | seiLeise | Strassenmaid | KSA | Pqus | metraeda | Rising F Art | Planet Selfie | Pdot | Hero | Marshal Arts
| Louva | Tuk | ENCORE | Joiny | Senor Schnu | Rude Fox | Smile | Oni | MEOW | Marie Style | 1zwo3 | sweetsnini | Le Loup | TAR CGN | NORT | ROPE | dump | Zir0 | Lapitz | Robi the Dog | ZOON |
Eins A Ce | Meta Baron | Bona
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold
#streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow
The Strassengold crew showed a wide and interesting spectrum of art in all price ranges at Bunker K101, from small items to masterpieces, everything was there. Directly from the
bunker wall to take home to your own wall or under the Christmas tree.
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces | xxxhibition | Meow | Strassenmaid | Hero | Sweetnini | dump | Metraeda | Pdot | Rising F Art | Encore | seiLeise | Planet Selfie | Oni | NORT | Tuk | Smile |
Bona | Cinderella Bones
Location: Bunker K101, Körnerstraße 101, 50823 Köln
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold
#streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow
#strassengold #fastart
Out of the streets #4 presented a streetart group show of works from the directions: Street art, art, objects, paste-up, print, photography, painting and graffiti.
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces, Adultremix, AVIER, einsa ce, Frank
Brenner, Kalle, KILLER, Martha Margarete, MEOW, Meta,
Metraeda, moh one, oni, Pdot, PlanetSelfie, Pqus, Rising
for Art, seiLeise, Sorber, Strassenmaid
Location: Reinraum, Aderstrasse 30a, 40215 Düsseldorf
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold
#streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #groupshow
My premiere exhibition on the occasion of the Passagen Interior Design Week. A very special thank you to the wonderful Pola Bergmann for her trust and commitment. It was a wonderful 14 days at the Museum of Related Arts.
Exhibition: Jetzt wird gekachelt
Lineup: Cuts and Pieces, Pola Bergmann, Crying Cops
Gallery: Museum für verwandte Kunst, Cologne
#streetart #art #pasteup #urbanart #graffiti #kunst #graphic #illustration #wallart #mural #spraypaint #sprayart #cologne #stencilart #stencil #straßengold
#streetart #köln #cologne #streetartgermany #streetartglobe #artwork #wallporn #urban #stickerart #künstler #germany #design #cutsandpieces #streetartcologne #exhibition #passagen